Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lyrically entitled

So, I have often wondered at times while listening to the radio, what certain lyrics mean. I will admit that it wasn't until sometime in College that I understood the actual words, and why my mother was horrified to take her 7 and 4 year old daughters to see GREASE. I'm sure that it was even worse that I wanted to look like Sandy at the END of the movie. Smoking, with the heels, wearing black satin pants, a leather jacket,  and big hoop earrings. I think this explains a lot about me now. This bundled in with when I was about 12 and thought that I was going to be a prostitute when I grew up just to piss off my ministerial parents. I don't think that I really knew what that meant, but I was determined. Well, as much as a 12 year old can be I suppose. Sometimes I tell my mom that the Theater close by is hiring again...It's a strip club. She doesn't find it amusing, but I laugh even harder at her bemusement.
I remember feeling very uncomfortable when my, then 6 or 7 yr old niece was singing "underneath it all" or was it "underneath your clothes"? Either way.
Now, listening to a 12 year old explain the lyrics of "S&M" I can only think, when is the kidzbop version coming out? And how will they clean that up?
But the best way to see what these "children", "tweens" etc. are asking is to ask them what it means...If they don't get it, then they hopefully won't until they are in college as well. Unless, of course, they just don't want you to think that they get it. I remember when I was younger pretending to know what things meant, but having no clue. Of course I couldn't ask anyone since I had just said that I knew what they were talking about. FOR EXAMPLE, I was maybe 9, or 10? and I was sitting around with the "older" kids and my b.f.f. (A.C.E.), when someone told me that I was a virgin. I immediately said, no, I'm not! And was teased because everyone knew that I didn't know what they were talking about. I'm not a good liar, still to this day.
Ignorance really can be bliss.
I feel like we should applaud people who write lyrics that are actually radio friendly, yet at the same time, I don't like it when I actually know the lyrics and they alter them for the radio. You can't have it both ways I guess.
Truth be told, I don't like listening to certain songs with my mother either. So the songs need to be both Mother and Children friendly... I guess that's why I  just sing showtunes from The Sound of Music, or Annie, or Disney Films. Although, some Disney films are not very family friendly, and definitely not usually female friendly. Back to my point.
What ever happened to those songs in a simpler time? Before we sang about sex, drugs, and gangs. Sure there were songs about these things, but done in a way that they were beating around the bush, so to speak. I mean, do kids even know songs like "Tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree", or patriotic songs like "She's a grand old Flag"?  Let's start bringing great-grandma's music back and see if it's relevant today! I bet you may be surprised and shocked at some of those racy lyrics! How scandalous some of the folk songs must have been at that time. Of course I'd love to give you an example, however, I can't seem to think of nary a one! But what great sketch or stand-up material for me to revisit! Of course I might need a refresher in 1930's and 1940's popular music. Most of what I think of is Jazz, which could be racy indeed. So racy that people of different races couldn't even listen to music in the same rooms! Glad we aren't like that anymore!

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