Wednesday, May 25, 2011


This morning, I was running late to work. With the downpour of rain I decided to drive up next to the stairs of the one office that I need to get my paperwork from and then drive it to my office across the street and then I would go find a parking spot. But when I got to my desk, I glanced over quickly as I was running to put paperwork down,  I noticed that there was something on my desk. I instantly knew what it was and screamed! FINALLY after two years, I have gotten a form of recognition, or validation, from the company by becoming an "ALL STAR". More importantly from the head of Human Resources. I recieved a bat with my name engraved on it, and an insulated bag with a few items in it. A clock, key ring/bottle opener, magnets, and a few other items. It was nice to feel validated. The items didn't really matter to me, except the bat with my name on it. It is the fact that I now know that SOMEONE appreciates that I go "above and beyond every day". This year I've taken on the task of keeping a "line" of people with a written account of who was there first, which makes it much easier for her to know who is next without someone just barging in.
Just a few moments ago, I was siting in front of the television for a moment. Oprah happened to be on. Her final show was taped last week, yet it was like she had read yesterday's blog and was speaking directly to me. I was wondering what to write about today as there are many things on my mind that I could write about, and with only 5 days left in my challenge to myself I wonder if I will get them in. I honestly try to write down topic ideas as soon as I think of them, and somehow, usually misplace them as I start to sit down to write.
After I heard her talk about validation, I knew what to write about.
It's true that we all want to feel validated. We want to know that we fit in somehow. That we are smart enough, or cool enough, or pretty enough, or funny...ENOUGH! I understand that it's nice to get recognized for our abilities, but stop searching for it, or living your life to suit what you think that others might cheer you on for. Validate yourself.  Know that you are doing what you should be doing at the time. Maybe you didn't do everything that you could, but you did everything that you could at THAT time.
One of the BEST text messages that I ever got from a friend of mine whom I adore, said that "validation of reciprocity is a good thing."  Sure, it is great to know that someone feels the same way that you do, especially in a romantic relationship. Things are not always as they seem, but when you finally are on the same page with someone, it makes all of the difference in the world.
So, if we are all searching for validation, from ourselves, our parents, friends and lovers, will we stop trying when we get it? Or will we rejoice and find a new thing to get validated for? I write this blog not really for you to read it and comment on it, but to be able to write for myself. Of course, when I hear that people ACTUALLY read it, I get excited, and at the same time nervously waiting to hear validation... I guess we can't get away from it can we? GO validate someone that might not be expecting it, in a way that you KNOW that they would appreciate it, and you will both feel validated.

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