Saturday, May 28, 2011

Signs, signs everywhere signs...

Some people strongly believe in signs. Something happens and some think, it's a sign! It's supposed to go this way, or it's not supposed to go that way.
I wonder if there really are signs, or are we looking for more validation about the choice that we have made? If signs really are all around us, directing us onto a specific path, how do we know if that path is the way that would make a positive choice or a negative one?
Sometimes when I'm watching Improv shows, for example, one of the performers might say my first name. They don't even know me, or know that I am there. Is it some sort of sign that I am supposed to be listening? Am I supposed to be going down this Improv path? I take it as a YES! Sometimes, they say things that amazingly correlate to my current journey, and let me think about a different option. I LOVE Improv!

What about those times when you are thinking about someone and either they contact you, or a song comes on that connects you somehow? Should I make contact with that person? Does that mean that they are thinking about making contact with me? I don't know. But when I think about them, I send them a hug in my mind. Unless there is much hurt or pain, then I take a second to try to embrace that feeling, or figure out that feeling. I know that it sounds rather "New Age", but I do try to be as positive as I can be and send positivity out to others. Key word there is TRY!

I was recently having a conversation with a friend who is frustrated with their, let's say crush. Whenever my friend feels like giving up, the crush seems to respond more. I've had similar experiences. Is this some kind of test to see if you really are done or to show that you are not?

What about dreams? I mean the ones that seem to be as if you are awake, not some flying talking elephant that changes your diaper. I know, we've all had some doozies!  I feel like it's a snippet of something to come, like I AM on the right path! Example of a dream- Now mind you this was a dream, so be aware...
    I was walking to meet the sea plane at the end of the dock from my hut on this tropical island paradise (DREAM!),  when my mother comes out of the plane carrying a baby girl (she was wrapped in a pink baby blanket). It was my niece, and my mother was taking her to meet me. As I go to take her from my mother's arms,  ask her, so what did they ( my sister and then brother in law) finally decide to name her? My mother said this very strangely beautiful uncommon name. I didn't remember what the name was in the dream, but months later my beautiful niece was born, and her name is not one that is typical at all. And I did live out of town, even though I was there the night she was born and I woke my mother up to take me to see her when I came home from the bar at 2am. I was notified that my niece had arrived by my mother placing a pink piece of paper on the front door, visible from the street, about the same distance as the length of the dock!

I've had many dreams that have given me "clues" about life that happens later. I usually only remember small parts, and usually only when it's happening in real time, like dejavu. Are these signs? I think so.

What about "negative" signs? You know, those gut wrenching feelings when you KNOW something is going on? Like when I was living with a guy and I was sure that he was cheating on me, so I found out where she lived and not only, like a scared idiot, knocked on her door, but heard him pulling up his pants (he was one of those guys that wore the chain to his wallet, and since we lived together, I was very familiar with that sound). I guess looking back, it was a positive thing, because I'm obviously not still with him now.
Or like when my maternal grandfather AND my paternal grandmother were both in the hospital in the city where I'm from, and I KNEW that I would be going back that weekend for a funeral, I just was wrong about for which person.
Or the time I needed to call my mother, but I wasn't sure why? She told me that she wasn't going to tell me over the phone, but that she was having surgery the next day, only to find out later that she had breast cancer. But that turned into a positive as well, as she was able to go through an experience that led her to help others that were going through similar experiences later on. 
Maybe there aren't negative signs? Maybe things really do happen for a reason, and at the time that they happen we think the worst, but later come to realize how it became a positive experience. Well, hopefully. I can't imagine that anyone who has been through the natural disasters recently might think that it's a positive thing yet, but I hope that in time, it will lead to positive things in their lives.

Be careful of reading too much into something though, because that can just drive you crazy. Take these signs gracefully. Hold them in your back pocket and think about what they might mean, and then let them go until such a time comes when you might need them again. But by then, the signs might change. And all of this can occur in the time that you wait for the light to turn green. A sure sign to move forward on your path.

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